As the Fun-tographer of Emma's, Val is most often found working directly with customers. But she is also the creative mind behind sets, props, and costumes. She has a deep love of history and architecture, and shares both whenever possible.

Morgan enjoys the behind-the-scenes technical side of Emma's. Additionally she is a budding artist, complimenting her photography in Heritage Creative. Her love of photography and history was the birth of Emma's Old Time Photos.

Dewey is the public image of Emma's. He is very people oriented, and engages customers that get to meet him with tales of times gone by, sometimes with stories on the purpose of costume pieces & props, other times it's the history of the old west in Cheyenne.

In 2017, Emma’s began as a mobile studio, setting up in a variety of locations, always preferring the Historic buildings of Downtown Cheyenne. In our early photos, you’ll find backdrops created at the Atlas Theatre, UPRR Depot, and the Plains Hotel. Emma’s participated in events at unique venues, such as a restored caboose, Fort D.A. Russell Days, the Old West Museum, a live concert in the historic Asher Building, and Super Day. Our signature constructed set, The Pink Pony Saloon, was used during our summers in the lobby of the Atlas Theatre as well as at the Laramie County Fair. Today it is in use at the Hynds.
Finding our first permanent home came in 2020 when we moved into an artist cooperative, known as Art @ the Hynds. Here we built new sets to enhance the experience.
We feature cowboy, saloon girls, Victorian, and ‘20s experiences. We’re here to help you create the souvenir you "Had to Be There" for!
History has always been a family passion, and we’ve tried to incorporate it into our studio experience, often including tours with our photoshoots.
Find us at the Historic Hynds Building, across from the Wrangler. Look for us in the Art Gallery entrance on Capitol Ave. Photos were taken at our version of Harry P. Hynds' circa 1888 Capitol Saloon, Tivoli Speakeasy, The Pink Pony Western set, or the Inter-Ocean Hotel Victorian Parlor. Costumes & props were provided. Photos printed while you wait. Digital images are available. It's the Souvenir you HAD to be there for!
​~ The history of Emma’s Old Time Photos ~
Emma’s Old Time Photos is a family-owned and operated studio.
Morgan had the original concept, and her mom, Val, ran with it.
Her dad, Dewey, helps out where he can, but his favorite role is
the walking advertisement.
In 2017, Emma’s began as a mobile studio, setting up in a variety
of locations, but always preferring the Historic buildings of Downtown
Cheyenne. In our early photos, you’ll find backdrops created at the
Atlas Theatre, UPRR Depot, and the Plains Hotel. Emma’s participated
in events at unique venues, such as a restored caboose,
Fort D.A. Russell Days, the Old West Museum,
a live concert in the historic Asher Building, and Super Day. Our signature
set, The Pink Pony Saloon, was used during our summers in
the lobby of the Atlas Theatre as well as at the Laramie County Fair.
Today it is in use at the Hynds.
Finding our first permanent home came in 2020 when we moved into an
artist cooperative, known as Art @ the Hynds. We built a new set, the
Capitol Saloon, for the experience. And we've been expanding ever since!
Members: AAPI (Antique and Amusement Photographers Intl.),
Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce